Code of conduct
Lamor Corporation 23 November 2021
Our ethical principles
This Code of Conduct and ethical principles form the basis of our daily business operations. Our goal is to have satisfied customers who are served by motivated employees in a positive work environment. We work together with our network of partners to provide the best solutions to our customers’ environmental challenges.
At Lamor, we prioritise health, safety and security for our personnel and network partners. All our operations are conducted in a sustainable manner, adhering to highest quality standards. Consequently, we fully comply with the standards of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications.
We are committed to open communication, and we provide channels that encourage open dialogue related to concerns, opinions, and constructive criticism. Lamor does not tolerate behaviour that aims to discourage feedback through either intimidation or perceived disinterest.
In addition, Lamor is committed to conducting everyday business by complying with the laws and maintaining unquestionable integrity. This means that we are aware, familiar and compliant with Lamor’s policies that apply to our jobs and report any suspected violations of the law or these policies. Likewise, supervisors should ensure that those who report to them are familiar with the policies that apply to their jobs and maintain a workplace environment where everyone feels comfortable raising concerns.
To achieve this business ethic and culture, we utilise an integrated health, safety, security, environmental and quality management system (HSSEQ – IMS), in which the MP-02 Policy Handbook is a cornerstone.
All company’s assets should be used for legitimate business purposes only. Each employee and director are stewards of Lamor’s assets and, as such, must protect and preserve the company’s assets and seek to ensure their efficient use.
We comply with laws
At Lamor, we comply and take all reasonable actions to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of every country, state, or local jurisdiction in which Lamor conducts business. In addition, we observe the guidelines and practices in force at any given time.
The misappropriation, conversion to personal use, or theft of Lamor property including confidential and proprietary data, trade secrets or drawings, designs, manufacturing processes and sales and market data are grounds not only for the termination of employment but also for criminal prosecution and other legal action to recover damages for losses sustained or other legal remedies available either during or after the employment relationship or directorship with Lamor. The theft of property belonging to other employees is also strictly prohibited.
We respect labour and Human Rights
Lamor is committed to conduct its business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people and internationally recognised human rights as declared in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Lamor is committed to comply with all applicable laws with respect to labour rights, including but not limited to;
- not employing, engaging or otherwise using forced labour, trafficked labour or exploitative child labour; nor engaging in or condoning any abusive or inhumane treatment of workers;
- respecting working hours, minimum wages, legally sufficient breaks and rest time, overtime, sick leave and annual holidays, as well as parental leave and other mandatory benefits applicable in location where the work is performed and keep appropriate records of these;
- ensuring that all workers have an employment contract that is signed and written in a language that is understandable to them, including information for example about their rights, responsibilities and employment conditions;
- providing equal opportunities, avoiding discrimination and respecting freedom of association of workers, in each case within the relevant national legal framework;
Lamor will prioritise appropriate actions to identify, prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts in its value chains. Where Lamor identifies adverse human rights impacts, Lamor will engage in appropriate remediation processes by itself or in cooperation with other stakeholders.
Our values guide our daily operations
Our operations are based on our values of passion, innovation, and trust. Since our company was established, we have worked to clean the world together.
- Passion: Our mission “to clean the world together” puts into words our business idea and goal of making the world a better place based on a spirit of togetherness. In line with our mission, cooperation with our partner network is central to successfully solve environmental challenges.
- Innovation: Our passion, cleaning the world, is realised through innovations. We are constantly striving to develop new methods and find new solutions to clean the world.
- Trust: Our network is based on trust, which fosters an inclusive culture and effective communication between all network members. All employees and directors, both during and after their employment relationship with Lamor, must respect the company's proprietary information and trade secrets, its customers and suppliers and shall not disclose any such proprietary information or trade secret.
Sustainability is at the heart of our business operations
We believe that sustainable development begins with teamwork. We have an extensive, global partner network that makes it possible for us to provide our customers with diverse, comprehensive solutions that combine the expertise, resources and technologies of Lamor and the companies in our partner network. The starting point for our partner network is cooperation, which makes it possible to clean the world together. No one can do everything alone, but together we can do more.
Lamor is committed to conducting all of its business activities sustainably, which ensures the health and safety of people, environmental protection and the quality of Lamor's products and services. Lamor is committed to ensuring its compliance with applicable requirements relating to health, safety, the environment and quality, as well as statutory requirements in all countries in which it operates.
Our industry is highly regulated, and legislation plays a critical role in achieving environmental protection goals. We strictly comply with the legislation in our industry, different standards and regulations concerning, for example, the management of waste and hazardous substances, business licensing, health and safety, data protection, public procurement, labour use, competition, business in general and taxation.
We are committed to transparency, honesty, and integrity
We are committed to conducting our business in a manner that seeks to guarantee, among other things, the quality of the products and services we provide to our customers. Furthermore, we are committed to meeting applicable quality standards and regulatory requirements in each operating country.
- Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE)
We comply with laws prohibiting discrimination in employment based upon race, religion, age, national origin, gender, or disability.
Lamor is committed to providing its employees with a safe and healthy work environment, free from harassment (including sexual, racial, or religious harassment), intimidation or personal behaviour not conducive to a productive work climate. All employees are to be treated with respect.
Ethical leadership at all levels of the organisation is critical, and Lamor is committed to upholding and supporting the highest ethical standards at all levels of the organisation's hierarchy.
- Quality criteria for the selection of partner companies and subcontractors
We have an extensive global network of partners through which we provide services to our customers. For our partner network, we select companies whose expertise, resources and technologies complement our own expertise, resources, and technologies, making it possible to offer a more diverse range of services and solutions to our customers’ environmental challenges. Our partner companies and subcontractors must also meet the quality level and operating principles our company and customers require. We expect our partners' services and components to be of high quality and we aim to select the partners and subcontractors aiming to promote sustainability and environmental diversity with their activities.
- Prohibition of bribery
Lamor does not condone or engage in corruption in any form and requires its business partners to operate in the same way. We do not accept bribery, payments to authorities, inappropriate gifts, or services.
Lamor must not give larger than usual gifts, gratuities, entertainment, hospitality, or favours to existing or potential customers or vendors, or anyone doing or seeking to do business with Lamor, if acceptance of such a gift, gratuity, hospitality, or similar has, or is perceived to have, an influence over the employee's or contractor's decision regarding Lamor's businesses. Cash gifts are prohibited.
- Fair dealing & conflict of interest
We compete fairly through the quality of our innovative solutions, not by pressure or other fraudulent means. We do not allow personal interests or benefits to influence our business decision-making when they conflict with Lamor’s interests. We avoid professional commitments outside of Lamor, or we seek permission in advance from our immediate supervisor if such commitments may adversely affect the performance of our duties at Lamor. In business matters, we do not allow personal relationships to influence our professional judgement in representing Lamor.
All matters regarding donations and sponsorships are regulated by the document MP-36 “Donation & Sponsorship Policy”.
- Alcohol & drug abuse policy
Taking into consideration the safety of personnel, clients, contractors, and visitors as well as the premises, we enforce a zero-tolerance policy against the use of alcohol and drugs. The intent of this policy is not to penalise but to prevent alcohol or drug related incidents; hence employees must proceed to work free from the presence of illicit drugs and not under the influence of alcohol.
Reporting violations
We are aware that breaking the rules can jeopardise our business, reputation, colleagues, and relationships with external partners. It is the responsibility of each employee and director to promptly report violations of the law or this policy to the employee’s or director’s direct supervisor or, if anonymity is desired, through our Whistleblowing channel. Any employee who, in good faith, reports what they believe to be a violation of this policy will not be subject to any disciplinary action or other forms of retaliation because of making such a report.
All reported matters are treated confidentially to the extent permitted by law.
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