Lamor sustainability 1


On a mission for better tomorrow

Lamor believes that the global environmental challenges of one are the challenges of us all. At Lamor we have always believed that the problems we face together can only be solved together. Lamor brings together smart minds, advanced technology, and local knowledge to conserve our environment and to generate growth for businesses and communities. We are there to solve global problems locally with an ecosystem of partners that spans over 100 countries. The world can’t clean itself and we can’t clean it alone, but together we can create a cleaner tomorrow for future generations to enjoy.

Sustis paasivu 5

Sustainable development

Value creation at the core of the strategy

Lamor provides its customer with environmental technology and solutions, which target the most relevant environmental challenges of our time.

Sustainable development targets

Lamor strives to build a sustainable business model where the environmental handprint of our solutions is combined with as a low footprint as possible

Sustainability management

How Lamor manages its impacts on the environment, economy and people

Nasdaq Green Equity Transition Designation

Lamor became the first Finnish company to receive the Nasdaq Green Equity Designation, later switched to Nasdaq Green Equity Transition Designation

Policies and commitments

Lamor's ethical principles are reflected in its codes of conduct and form the basis for its daily activities and operations.

Sustainability reporting

Read Lamor's sustainability reports that are constructed according to the Global Reporting Initiative.

Material topics

Read more about Lamor's material topics

The journey is long and the targets are high, but with commitment and will, everything is possible.

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