Sustainability management
Lamor manages its sustainable development globally. The sustainability data is collected locally by the area organisations with representatives from each country Lamor is operating in. The reporting is based on instructions and reporting methods provided by the group management and the sustainability team.
The globally collected sustainability data is analysed and reviewed by the sustainability team. The results are reported for the Management Team and finally the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors approve the sustainability reporting annually. Lamor has also appointed an external auditor for limited assurance on the emission reporting.
In addition, since Lamor is part of Nasdaq Green Equity Transition Designation which promotes green transition, an external reviewer (S&P Global Ratings, Cicero Shades of Green) does an annual assessment of Lamor’s revenue and investments.

Lamor’s Board of Directors approves Lamor’s sustainable development goals and targets. The Management Team reports the efforts taken as well as targets achieved for the Board of Directors regularly.
The outcomes are reported for the external stakeholders annually as part of the annual reporting. Sustainability reporting is an integral part of Lamor’s activities and the progress is reviewed on regular basis. The Chief Strategy Officer who is part of the Management Team leads the sustainability work together with a Sustainability Manager.
The sustainability work is supported by a team of R&D, sourcing, project execution, logistics, sales and HR functions.
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