
Polymer materials have developed rapidly during the last decade. This development has provided membrane manufacturers the ability to create durable and robust products for ultrafiltration applications.

Our UF membrane systems are always designed according to the available raw water characteristics and the pretreatment systems are delivered together with the systems. The UF systems can be assembled either on skids or in containers. The available production rates are from 8 to 1,000 m3/h.

Lamor UF membranes are made of specially modified PVDF, which is a highly non-reactive polymer and provides multiple advantages against “traditional” UF materials. To name a few advantages, the material has the natural ability to reduce fouling, improved permeability, high mechanical strength of the fiber and for the manufacturing point of view the advantage is controlled pore size and distribution.

The UF membrane fibers are assembled in a U-PVC tube allowing chemical resistance and UV protection. This tube design provides improved feed water circulation between the fibers, reduced fouling, facilitating back wash and air scouring, as well as increased life time of the membranes. The selected materials provide the possibility of advanced oxidation methods in pretreatment and in pre-disinfection phases. By using sufficient disinfection methods a wider range of raw water sources are available

Why Lamor?

Climate change and drought has forced technology providers such as us to develop treatment systems to operate more efficiently in terms of water usage. We have managed to use our know-how to allow as low backwash water consumption as possible, which leads to high daily average throughput production rates. By optimising the membrane design together with the backwash functions we have managed to reach the lowest energy consumption with smaller backwash pumps and more efficient backwash with “in to out” sequence. This means that we are able to operate the system longer without interruption.

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